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Norman O’Flynn

Artist 170

Norman O’Flynn

Pop Explosion

Norman O’Flynn (born 1971) is a South African artist who specializes in painting, sculpting and all round construction of art. He creates unique paintings will layered elements which draw from sculpture.

O’Flynn uses his deep understanding of the pop art tradition and explores the meaning of this genre in today’s context.

He expresses a visual language that looks at the explosion of knowledge, the viral spread of imagery and ideas, the speed of change and the culture of celebrity and self-adulation.

Ever present is the uncertain threat of violence, normalised and made palatable as it is fed to our many screens – paradoxically keeping us both connected and disengaged.

Daily encounters with people and media are the source of his creative inspiration.

The state of humanity is questioned and interpreted in his work with ironically portrayed by playful and harmless manner, an intentional cynical and dark sense of humour.

The globally recognizable imagery is used as his unique visual language ranging from comic book superheroes to demi-gods, triumphant ballet dancers, and space-age fertility figures, that are employed in his satirical observation of society.

With regards to medium, he uses oil paint and acrylic on plexi-glass, combined with a technique of layering and patterning.

It reflects on the universal contemporary themes: the noise of the world, the explosion of knowledge, the viral spread of imagery and ideas, the culture of celebrity and self-idolatry, the speed of change, the uncertain threat of violence... these are normalised and made palatable as it is fed to our many screens, which is paradoxically keeping us both connected and disengaged.

The way O’Flynn appropriates pop culture iconography and its visual language acts like a mask hiding his concerns over power relations and social pressures in urban societies.

The mask just happens to be on fire and made of glitter.

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