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Stan Squirewell

Artist 92 Stan Squirewell Binaries Photography

Stan Squirewell was born and raised in Washington, DC and currently lives and works in New York, NY. Squirewell is a painter, photographer, installation and performance artist. His work is multilayered and his subject matter tackles themes such as: race and memory through mythology, sacred geometry and science.

He draws his inspiration from theory books, science fiction movies and novels, avant-garde jazz and indigenous storytelling.

The artist is, by his own admission, obsessed with binaries. From computer coding to race relations to the mysterious interplay of masculine and feminine energies, Squirewell seeks out dualities in all their forms.

He draws inspiration from both ancient myths and the 8-bit Atari video games of his 1980s childhood, creating multimedia pieces that manage to celebrate difference while at the same time questioning its primacy in our lives.

Stan Squirewell employs digital and analog photomontage techniques drawing on personal experiences and family history to examine the fluctuating understanding of the self.

Through the lenses of contemporary art practices such as performative self portraiture, collage, montage and digital manipulation. There is a merge of cultures past and present, looking towards a more inclusive, harmonious future.

His collages are powerful in their striking minimalistic composition. He play with Black identity by combining disparate, historically-specific costumes with found imagery.

For example in “King Kane” (2017), a reimagining of the rapper Big Daddy Kane medieval armor wearing a wave of gold filigree at his neck. He reworks the colonial narrative of Africa’s past.


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