I took part in the course Business Acumen for Artists in 2023 run by the Creative Leadership Co and Cape Town Creative Academy.
It’s a phenomal course that makes you look at your art practice and your business and through an intensive thirteen weeks helps you grow and overcome your current blocks.

It was amazing to learn and grow along such a talented group of fellow creatives.
Each week held unique lessons from experts across mutliple fields with application to your business at each step.

The showcase Market Row was held on Saturday the 13th of January 2024.
One of the highlights of the day for me was revealing my art scatter cushions.
This functional art series combines the elegance of my paintings into a beautiful unique piece of decor that will transform your space. They will be available on my online art store soon.

After beginning and growing my business alone in the pandemic it was phenomenal to have someone to turn to for feedback and for advice too.
It was also wonderful to show along side such a talented group of artists and creatives. Seeing how different each of approaches our art practice and business was really inspiring.
Thank you to everyone involved for such a special beginning to 2024!